The Municipal Cemetery "Rullikowski" Oradea is managed and operated by SC Administrația Domeniului Public - ADP SA Oradea - a company established by the Municipality of Oradea.
The land intended for burial places belongs to the public domain of the municipality of Oradea, and the actual management of these lands is carried out by ADP.
The conditions for the allocation of burial places, the internal organisation of the cemetery, fees and charges, funeral services, as well as the opening hours and contact details can be found on the company's website:
Oradea City Report is a free, simple and intuitive application for mobile phone or tablet that allows civic-minded citizens to send various complaints and incidents to Oradea City Hall and local public services operators (Compania de Apă – Oradea Water Company, Oradea Local Transport, Termoficare SA – Oradea heating system company, Oradea Local Police, RER Ecologic Service).