Green register and strategy
The Local Register of Green Spaces in the Municipality of Oradea was created in 2009 - 2011 and updated in 2020 - 2021, following the compliance with the legislative framework represented by the Law no. 24/2007 (**republished**) on the regulation and management of green spaces in the urban areas of localities*).
The Local Green Spaces Register is an information system containing technical data of all green spaces according to quality and quantity indices.
It is a document that can be consulted at the local government office or can be accessed electronically on the following link:
Oradea Green City Program 2020-2023 is a strategic planning program that outlines the priority directions for the development of green urban public space in Oradea, with the overall objective of increasing the standard of living of citizens.
The strategic objectives of the programme are:
- Achieving a good quality infrastructure through appropriate urban planning, increasing the area of green space to 652 ha by 2030, i.e. increasing to 91.3% the population having access to an urban green public space within 5 minutes walking distance (approx. 300 m distance to the green public space);
- Improve environmental factors by increasing the green space per capita indicator to 29.4 sqm/capita by 2030;
- Enhancing the value of local tourist attractions by creating new tourist attractions, protecting and enhancing the city's green heritage.
The portfolio of priority projects for 2021-2030 focuses on urban regeneration projects aimed at improving the urban environment, revitalising towns and cities, regenerating and decontaminating brownfield sites (including redevelopment areas), reducing air pollution and promoting noise abatement measures, afforestation programmes and urban regeneration projects through neighbourhood centres and sub-centres.
Also included in the programme are projects to revitalise and improve the quality of green urban space, namely the modernisation and rehabilitation of existing parks, the improvement of street alignments, the equipping of existing green areas with street furniture and children's playground equipment and free access to sports fields in educational establishments in Oradea, outside school hours, in all establishments.
Noise Mapping involves, as defined in Law 121/2019, the presentation of data on the existing or predicted noise situation in relation to a noise indicator, highlighting the exceedances of limit values in force, the number of people affected or the number of dwellings exposed to certain values of a noise indicator for a given area.
During 2017, the City of Oradea submitted to the Bihor Environmental Protection Agency the strategic noise maps for the municipality of Oradea, and in 2018 it submitted the related Action Plan.
Strategic noise maps and action plans shall be reviewed and, if necessary, revised at least every 5 years after their preparation and approval.
The urban agglomeration subject to mapping comprises the agglomeration corresponding to the municipality of Oradea, with an administrative area of approx. 11,610 ha, of which approx. 8176.3 ha intra urban (according to PUG) and approx. 217521 inhabitants.
The service for the re-drafting and revision of documents prepared and approved in the period 2021 - 2023 (the deadline for the completion of the Action Plan has been extended to 2024) and handed over to the competent environmental authorities, i.e. posted on the local authority's website consists of:
- Noise Mapping for Oradea;
- Strategic noise maps for Oradea;
- Action Plans for the management of noise problems and effects in Oradea.
Action plan for noise reduction: Noise reduction action plan Oradea