If you want to build in Oradea
If you want to build in Oradea
The real right to obtain planning permission is the right of the owner of land or a building to apply to the local authority for permission to construct, rebuild, alter, extend, repair, strengthen or demolish a building. This right is regulated by Law No 50/1991 on the authorisation of construction works and certain measures for the construction of housing.
You need to make sure that you have a right to the property (land or building) you want to intervene on - i.e. that you are the owner or holder of a right in rem that allows you to build. For example, it can be a surface right or another right, as regulated in the updated Law no. 50/1991, Annex 2, pct. 10.
As building is allowed in the urban area of the municipalities (with some exceptions provided by the same law as above), if the land is located on the outskirts of Oradea, you must make sure that it is part of the urban area. Unfortunately, often the land register extract is not relevant in this respect, because the Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Publicity (ANCPI) does not have an updated database, so we advise you, if in doubt, to ask the Oradea City Hall for the issuance of a certificate of intra-village / extra-village.
If you want to build in Oradea, you need to know that you need several documents and permits that allow you to start the work. First of all, you need to obtain a Town Planning Certificate from Oradea City Hall, which will give you information about the characteristics of the buildings that can be built on your land.
Never start building/rehabilitating/upgrading/modernizing/fitting out/demolishing without first applying for a planning permission for the intended purpose - building, extension etc. There's no need to go to City Hall for this if you don't want to, because you can apply, upload documents, make payments - all online - from anywhere you can use a computer, tablet or smartphone, and the planning certificate will be delivered online via email to the email address you specify.
Perhaps you want to build a building with a different function from the neighbouring buildings, or you have a particular (perhaps atypical) location in mind, but you don't want to invest too much in design until you are sure you can build the way you want. Then, through an architect, you can consult the Municipal Commission for Town and Country Planning - CMUAT - which meets weekly, on the basis of simplified documentation and without having a town planning certificate.
Town planning documents issued by Oradea City Hall
Through the advisory opinion issued by the Chief Architect's Department, you will find out under what conditions you can (or cannot) build what you have proposed.
The first specialist you need to turn to is the architect. The architect will be the author of the project and the coordinator of the specialists to be co-opted in the team (structural engineers, installation engineers, experts, etc.).
Any construction is a complex whole that must meet the necessary criteria and requirements the user's needs in terms of comfort, optimum hygiene, safety in use, energy efficiency, adaptation to climate change, etc.
In the event that it is necessary to draw up an urban planning document (Detailed Urban Plan - PUD or Zoning Urban Plan - PUZ), you will have to call upon a specialist with the right to sign, registered in the National Register of Urban Planners managed by the Romanian Register of Urban Planners (RUR).
These specialists may be architects with the right to sign RUR or town planners, or other certified specialists.
In the situation where you want to obtain urgent information about the possible functions (admitted or admitted with conditions) or about the prohibited ones on a certain location in Oradea, you will have to open the map below and identify the functional area in which the building is located for which you are interested. Functional areas are coded (Li, Lc, M, Ei, etc.)