IT in Oradea

IT in Oradea

The local authority, together with representatives of local IT companies, has drawn up a programme of measures entitled "Make IT in Oradea!" | Make IT in Oradea.

The aim: to increase the degree of interaction between the municipality, Oradea high schools, the university and established IT companies in Oradea, offering a real chance for young people to stay or (re)come to Oradea.

- setting up an investment fund to support start-ups in the IT sector;

- property tax relief for premises used by IT companies;

- financial support for students enrolled at the universities of Oradea, specializations focused on a curriculum in the IT field, by supporting the local budget for accommodation and meals;

- organising meetings of high school students with representatives of local IT companies;

- Encouraging students from Oradea high schools to enroll in IT-related faculties at universities in Oradea, by offering scholarships to students in grades XI and XII.

- developing the creative potential of young people from Oradea's high schools and colleges so that they can become future qualified IT specialists and contribute to the development of Oradea's tech ecosystem;

- developing and increasing competitiveness in the local tech ecosystem;

- increasing the attractiveness of IT faculties in the universities of Oradea and connecting its offer to companies/companies that can offer a professional path, a career in this field;

- increasing the competitiveness of the communication and information technology sector within the development poles of the tech ecosystem in the North-West Region, so that Oradea becomes an important business pole in this field;

- supporting entrepreneurship and SMEs in information and communication technology;

- supporting local IT start-ups.

More details can be found at

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