Deputy Mayor Antonia Nica
Antonia Monica Nica
Deputy Mayor of Oradea
Powers delegated by the Mayor's Order, concerning the coordination of the following structures:
- Economic Directorate;
- Oradea Social Assistance Department (DASO);
- Logistics Directorate;
- Oradea Local Police Department;
- Public Relations Service;
- Deputy Mayor's office.
- from October 2020 to present - City Councillor of Oradea;
- from 2020 to present - representative of the Municipality of Oradea in the General Assembly of Associates within the International School Association Oradea;
- 2022 - City Council representative on the Board of Directors of Bethel Pentecostal High School;
- 2021 - 31.10.2022 - representative of Bihor County Council in the Administrative Council of the State Philharmonic of Oradea;
- February 2017 - 31.10.2022 - Director of the Greek-Catholic High School Iuliu Maniu from Oradea;
- 2005 - 2016 - Conductor and Manager of the Fiat Lux Chamber Choir;
- 2004 - 2008 - Opera Artist in the choir of the State Philharmonic of Oradea;
- 2002 - 31.10.2022 - Teacher at the Music Education Department of the Iuliu Maniu Greek Catholic High School in Oradea.
2007 - 2009 - Master's Degree in Educational Management - Department of Teacher Training and Development, University of Oradea;
2006 - 2007 - Master's Degree in Fundamentals of European Identity, Babeș-Bolyai University, ClujNapoca, Oradea Department;
2002 - 2006 - Bachelor of Music Pedagogy - Piano Module, Faculty of Music, University of Oradea;
2002 - 2006 - Degree in Philosophy - Theology, Faculty of Greek-Catholic Theology, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Oradea Department;
1998 - 2002 - student at the Greek-Catholic Theological High School Iuliu Maniu in Oradea;
1990 - 1998 - student at the High School of Arts in Oradea, specializing in Music - Piano.
Mother tongue: Romanian
Other known languages:
Italian English French German Hungarian
Understanding C1 C1 B2 B2 B1
Writing B1 B1 B2 B1 A1
Speaking B2 B1 A2
Driving licence - Category B
Digital skills: information processing, communication, content creation, security, problem solving - advanced level.
Communication and organisational skills:
- good organisational and communication skills acquired through experience as a teacher and principal;
- speaker at the national event 11even experiences, organized by the Community Foundation of Oradea;
- the conductor and at the same time the manager of the Fiat Lux Choir;
- As president of the Fiat Lux Choir Association, I have established numerous collaborations and partnerships with various associations and institutions, at local, national and international level;
- founding member of the Rotary Art Nouveau Association of Oradea.
Other skills:
- excellent leadership, selfless spirit;
- adaptability, team spirit;
- show character and live in the spirit of truth;
- I'm a calm, disciplined and organized person;
- analytical, mathematical mind, with a great openness to knowledge;
- ecumenical spirit, with an openness to other peoples and cultures;
- progressive and independent spirit.
2021 - honorary member of the Enjoy Music Association, September 2021;
2018 - Special Award for the promotion of volunteering during the 12th Caritas Volunteer Day, January 2018;
2013 - Diploma of Honour in recognition for active involvement in the life of the Church - Romanian United with Rome, Greek-Catholic Diocese of Oradea;
2012 - Honorary Diploma in the fields of Education and Culture, Bihor County Council, Bihor Women's Union.