Spitalul Clinic Județean de Urgență Bihor – Oradea – County Emergency Hospital

Operating under the supervision of the municipality of Oradea, the Bihor County Emergency Hospital is one of the largest hospitals in the country. The hospital has seven stations with 1,865 beds.

The SCJU also provides 2967 medical staff, 479 of whom are doctors.

Thanks to the massive investments made in recent years, the County Hospital can boast today one of the most modern Emergency Reception Units in the country, as well as a state-of-the-art automated medical analysis processing unit.


In case of an emergency, call the single emergency number - 112 - or go to one of the Emergency Reception Units on str. Gheorghe Doja nr. 65 (adults) or str. Corneliu Coposu nr. 12 (children).

Stationary VI

Integrated Outpatient Clinic (Polyclinic)

str. Republic nr. 37

Monday to Friday, between 7am and 2pm

0259 437 750

Monday to Friday, between 7am and 2pm

0359 401 540

Monday to Friday, 7am to 8pm

0359 176 900

Stationary III

Maternity Outpatient

str. Clujului nr. 50

Central: 0359 414 631

Appointment information: https://spitaljudetean-oradea.ro/

Stationary I


str. Gheorghe Doja nr. 65

Central: 0259 211 345

Stationary II


str. Corneliu Coposu nr. 12

Switchboard: 0359 803 800

Stationary III


Calea Clujului nr. 50

Central: 0359 401 535

Stationary IV

Pneumology hospital

str Izvorului nr. 57

Switchboard: 0359 803 800

Stationary V

Neurological Recovery Hospital / Psychiatry

str. Louis Pasteur nr.26

Switchboard: 0359 803 800

Stationary VI

Hospital - Infectious

str. Republic nr.37

Central: 0359 803 800 Internal: 284

Stationary VI

Dermatovenerology, allergology and immunology

str. Republic nr.37

Central: 0359 238 661

Collection point

Medical analysis laboratory

Str. Republic nr. 37

Central: 0359 176 900 / 0259 437 750 / 0359 401 540

Collection point

Medical analysis laboratory

Corneliu Coposu Street nr.12

Central: 0359800803

Collection point

Medical analysis laboratory

str. Clujului nr.50

Central: 0359 414 631 ext. 568

for appointments after 11:00

Stationary VII

BK Laboratory (TB Dispensary)

intersection of Aleea Ștrandului, Schiff Ernő, Ion I.C. Brătianu Park

Switchboard: 0359 803 800

Stationary II

Radiology and medical imaging laboratory

str. Gheorghe Doja nr. 65

Central: 0359 401 535 ext. 138, 147

Stationary VI

Nuclear medicine and isotope therapy laboratory

Str. Republic nr. 37

Phone: 0772017880

Stationary II

Medical Oncology Centre

str. Corneliu Coposu 12

Switchboard: 0359 803 800

Stationary II

Regional Medical Genetics Centre

str. Corneliu Coposu 12

Switchboard: 0359 803 800

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