Home parking lots

Public residential parking lots are parking lots provided for residents of residential blocks of flats, located less than 30 metres from the front of the buildings, and their opening hours are on MONDAY - FRIDAY between 16.00 - 07.00 the following day and on SATURDAY and SUNDAY permanent.

Obtaining for use of a home parking space is done through a procedure of award or tender, in the presence of a commission, formed by the management of the Owners' Association and representatives of the Home Parking Department of the Municipality of Oradea.

Payment for the reserved place in the home parking lot is made to the owners' association to which the building where the parking user is domiciled is attached.

To consult the procedure and the Regulation 448/2010 for the allocation/tendering of parking places for use in the residential car parks in the municipality of Oradea, please visit the following link:

Regulation for the management of home parking approved by HCL 448 of 2010 republished February 2022

The fee for the home parking pass has been set at 160 lei/year for direct allocation of a home parking space.

In the case of an auction, the value of the subscription is given by the highest amount bid in the auction procedure.

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