Parking types, tariffs, payment
Parking types, tariffs, payment
Public street parking is divided into 3 zones:
● red-marked zone 0 with 1,227 seats
● yellow-marked zone 1 with 1,750 seats
● White-marked zone 2 with 4,095 seats.
Parking zone 0 with red marking, located near parking garages and near public institutions and objectives of public interest, includes street parking: Ady Endre, Aleea Gojdu, Brașovului, Dunărea, Franz Schubert, George Enescu, Gheorghe Dima, Episcop Mihail Pavel, General David Praporgescu, General Gheorghe Magheru, Iuliu Maniu, Mihai Eminescu, Nicolae Jiga, Parcul Traian, Piața 1 Decembrie, Primăriei, Republicii, Roman Ciorogariu, Rovine, Snagovului, Spiru Haret, Teatrului, Traian Moșoiu, Victor Babeș on both sides.
Parking zone 1 with yellow marking includes the streets: Armatei Române, Barbu Ștefanescu Delavrancea, Calea Clujului (Platou Pol Rutieră), Ceyrat, Corneliu Coposu, Cuza Voda, Decebal, Deltei, Dimitrie Cantemir, Duiliu Zamfirescu, Gheorghe Doja, Griviței, Iza, Jean Calvin, Libertății, Menumorut, Mihai Eminescu, Mihai Viteazul, Mihail Sadoveanu, Nufărului, Piața 1 Decembrie, Piața București, Piața Emanuil Gojdu, Piața Ion Creangă, Primăriei, Szigligeti Ede, Teatrului, Transilvaniei, Tudor Vladimirescu, Universității on both sides.
Parking zone 2 with white marking includes the streets: 1848, Ady Endre, Aleea Ștrandului, Alexandru Cazaban, Arany Janos, Armatei Române, Calea Clujului, Calea Matei Basarab, Călugareni, Cele Trei Crișuri, Cezar Boliac, Colinelor, Corneliu Coposu, Ceyrat, C-tin Brâncoveanu, C-tin Tănase, Crinului, Cuza Vodă, Dacia, Decebal, Episcop Ioan Suciu, Evreilor Deportați, Garoafei, Gheorghe Doja, Gheorghe Lazăr, I L Caragiale, Ion Buzoianu, Iuliu Maniu, Lămâiței, Louis Pasteur, Menumorut, Mihai Eminescu, Mihail Kogălniceanu, Mihail Sadoveanu, Mușcatei, Nicolae Jiga, Nufărului, Petofi Sandor Park, 1 December Square, Emanuil Gojdu Square, Rahovei Square, Primăriei, Republicii, Roman Ciorogariu, Savinestilor, Sf Apostol Andrei, Simion Bărnuțiu, Sulyoc Istvan, Șanțul Cetății, Șirul Canonicilor, Ștefan cel Mare, Titu Maiorescu, Transilvaniei, Tuberozelor, Tudor Vladimirescu, Ulmului, Universității, Vavilov, W Shakespeare on both sides.
Duration | Zone 0 (red) | Zone 1 (yellow) | Zone 2 (white) |
30 min | 4,00 lei | 2,00 lei | 1,50 lei |
1 hour | 8,00 lei | 4,00 lei | 3,00 lei |
2 hours | - | 8,00 lei | 6,00 lei |
5 hours | - | - | 15,0 lei |
! When paying by SMS, rates are expressed in EURO and are subject to VAT
Duration | Zone 0 (red) | Zone 1 (yellow) | Zone 2 (white) |
30 min | 0,80 € | 0,40 € | 0,35 € |
1 hour | 1,60 € | 0,80 € | 0,70 € |
2 hours | - | 1,60 € | 1,40 € |
5 hours | - | - | 3,00 € |
When paying by SMS on the short number 7401, the following prefixes are used before the registration number:
Zone 0 => 185 for 30 minutes and 186 for 1 hour;
Zone 1 => 180 for 30 minutes, 181 for 1 hour and 182 for 2 hours;
Zone 2 => 240 for 30 minutes, 241 for 1 hour, 242 for 2 hours and 245 for 5 hours.
Payment of the on-street parking fee for cars is made in advance by one of the available methods:
1) Through the official mobile app of the municipality, "Parking Oradea", following the steps described in the app.
*Download here the free Parking Oradea app (insert link when available)
2) On the basis of tickets issued by automatic parking meters, with their display in a visible place inside the car in such a way that all the data written on them are visible from the outside.
3) Online, on the municipality's online platform:
4) Through the mobile app "Tpark"
5) Through the mobile application "Amparcat"
6) By SMS, with the transmission of the registration number to the telephone number 7401, before which the assigned area code and duration is written.
*Whenpaying by SMS or mobile app, leaving the car is done after receiving the payment confirmation message and failure to receive the payment confirmation is considered non-payment of the parking and is punishable by a fine.
The charging schedule for public on-street car parks is set as follows:
zone 0 with red marking: Monday - Friday, from 07.00 to 21.00
zone 1 and zone 2, yellow and white marking respectively: Monday - Friday between 07.00 and 18.00